This is the front panel in finished paint, black appliance epoxy. |

This is the low voltage side of the supply. Transformer has two output windings, one floating driver supply and +/- 12 volt supply. AC voltage select block (120/240V) is on top of low voltage xfmr. |

This is the rectifier block for all supply voltages. Likely the hottest part of the entire project. |

This SCR and Diode comprise the regulator block. They are bolted to the input side of the supply filter inductor. |

This better shows the control harness terminal strip. The step-start relay is in the corner. Step-start resitor is under the lip of the front panel.

This is the regulator "module". The entire heat sink is mounted on Lexan since it has 170 rect. AC on it. |

30 Amp AC input filter is mounted under the regulator module, between the Lexan standoffs. |

Laced wiring runs down each side to rear panel. Lacing really "neatens" up a project. IMHO |

Regulator control board, low voltage fuses and all input/output will be on rear panel. |

Low Voltage Supply Caps Bracket |