OK So here's the deal. I've seen many modifications to many radios over the years and often thought that too much is being done. So I approached this
anew with the intent to focus on the primary impediments which limit the frequency response of this transmitter on AM. Other than not detracting
from other funtions, no other modes or functions were considered. The two .pdf files below should be self explanatory. If errors, ommission or confusing
items are found please drop me an email.
However, presentation of future modifications are intended which will cover: ALC "taming" on AM, Negative peak limiting (this to prevent inverted RF from BM and
permit >100% modulation), Carrier Control Stabilization and extraction of a buffered 455 IF ouput to feed SDR mixers.
Stay tuned
Disclaimer: As always, the decision to modify your radio is at your own risk. I assume no responibility for your results. I contend that these modifications,
where tested, done by myself and others, have worked in several radios.